Sony's disregard for Vita, from a lack of proper software updates to a complete neglect in any appropriate levels of marketing, left the system overlooked and utterly without a proper champion. Despite the relative success of the PSP, the Vita ended up being a commercial failure due to its lack of games and a striking absence of faith on behalf of its manufacturers. The omission of PS Vita titles from any of the new PlayStation Plus membership strata represents yet another nail in the coffin for one of Sony's most misunderstood and unloved consoles to date.

The handheld console's library may not be particularly extensive, but Plus Premium players are still missing out on some underappreciated gems given the absence of many of Vita's quirky releases. Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Uncharted: Fight for Fortune proved that Nathan Drake's adventures were no less enjoyable when transferred to a slightly smaller medium, while innovative RPG Soul Sacrifice was met with a strongly positive reception at the time of release. That said, there were certainly some PS Vita exclusive titles that could certainly merit inclusion in the hallowed annals of PlayStation history. The fact that many of the Vita's most popular titles, such as Undertale, Rayman or Little Big Planet were, and continue to be, available from their time on other consoles hasn't helped the cause of the Vita's small pool of exclusives from which to choose. It boasted a catalog of fewer than 100 games, none of which really set the world alight, especially compared to other handhelds of the time. Worse still, the Vita's library was perplexingly shallow. Despite a few successful spin-offs from more respected brands, such as Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Killzone: Mercenary, most titles were never strong enough in their own right to merit much contemporary hype. One of the major drawbacks of the Vita was that it often either relied on properties that were popular on more mainline consoles, or else it lacked the enticing exclusives to really get fans on board in the first place. The most likely explanation for this absence is that the Vita and its accompanying exclusives never commanded the love and respect to make it commercially viable for Sony to consider including in an amalgamated online library. RELATED: 5 Must-Buy Games from PlayStation's Spring Sale However, the lack of Vita games is a damning indictment of the now-defunct console's lack of popularity and thin catalog of attractive titles. Plus Premium members are able to gain access to a host of classic favorites included in their subscription. While pretty much every PlayStation console is somewhat represented across at least one of Sony's rebranded tier systems, one notable omission has been the much-maligned handheld device, the PlayStation Vita.